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In my spare time, it is not uncommon to find me in the kitchen cooking or baking. Those are two things that I consider to be thereapeutic. Following recipes are so finite, and consistent, that it is easy for me to get lost in them. One of my favorite things to do is to make something special for my family, and see the enjoyment it brings to them. 


Growing up, tried many different sports, I used to dance, play soccer, run cross country, bowl, ice skate and eventually golf. I loved being a part of a team and I treasure all of those memories. Participating in all of these activities has helped to shape me into the person I am today.    


I also have a closet creative side, and secretely love to paint and craft. It is probaby because I joined a sorority, but again it is something that is so relaxing, I could get lost in a craft. I have a love for colors and design, and hope to somehow incorporate those skills into part of my future career. 

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